From the Project CBD Archives:
Three New Studies on Cannabis and PTSD
Growing numbers of trauma sufferers are medicating with cannabis and finding it helpful.
Cannabis & Emotional Reactions in Veterans with PTSD
Dr. Sue Sisley discusses cannabis as an alternative to traditional therapies for PTSD.
Cannabis Better than Big Pharma for PTSD
A survey of 300 patients suggests that cannabis is better than Big Pharma for common PTSD symptoms.
From the Project CBD Patient Survey:
See the full survey here.
406 survey respondents reported taking CBD for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
69% Female | 30% Male | 1% Prefer not to say
Most participants using CBD for PTSD characterized their PTSD as “moderate.” Over half (57%) reported that they had had PTSD for over ten years. Fourteen percent of participants with PTSD were military veterans.
The majority of participants using CBD for PTSD also reported that they were using CBD for depression (80%), pain (77%), and sleep problems (67%).
Severity of PTSD:

Notably, this group was almost three times more likely than the average participant to report using CBD for alcoholism/addiction. And, they were almost three times more likely to be using CBD for a brain injury.
This group favored CBD derived from or used in combination with cannabis over hemp-derived CBD (53% utilized CBD from or with cannabis), meaning they were more likely to be using THC.
Participants were asked to rate how CBD impacted nine common symptoms of PTSD (see chart below), indicating whether the symptom was a “much better,” “little better,” “no change,” a “little worse,” or “lot worse.” CBD appeared to be highly effective in addressing a range of PTSD symptoms, particularly anxiety, anger, irritability, depression, mood swings, and panic attacks. CBD was also helpful, though less so, in mitigating unwanted thoughts, nightmares, and heart palpitations.
Changes in Symptoms:

Scientific Research on CBD & Cannabis for PTSD:
- Reductions in circulating endocannabinoid levels in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder following exposure to the world trade center attacks
- Enhancing cannabinoid neurotransmission augments the extinction of conditioned fear
- Modulation of fear memory by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids via cannabinoid receptors
- CBD blocks long-lasting behavioral consequences of predator threat stress: Possible involvement of 5HT1A receptors
- Stress switches cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor-dependent plasticity from LTD to LTP in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
- Mitigation of post-traumatic stress symptoms by Cannabis resin: A review of the clinical and neurobiological evidence
- Cannabinoid modulation of fear extinction brain circuits: A novel target to advance anxiety treatment
- The endocannabinoid system and extinction learning
- A current overview of cannabinoids and glucocorticoids in facilitating extinction of aversive memories: potential extinction enhancers
- Cannabinoids and traumatic stress modulation of contextual fear extinction and GR expression in the amygdala-hippocampal-prefrontal circuit
- Non-antidepressant long-term treatment in post-traumatic stress disorder
- The anxiolytic effect of cannabidiol on chronically stressed mice depends on hippocampal neurogenesis: Involvement of the endocannabinoid system
- The Use of Medicinal Marijuana for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Review
- CBD Modulates Fear Memory Formation Through Interactions with Serotonergic Transmission in the Mesolimbic System
- Bidirectional Effects of CBD on Contextual Fear Memory Extinction
- CBD disrupts the consolidation of specific and generalized fear memories via dorsal hippocampus CB1 and CB2 receptors
- Effectiveness of Cannabidiol Oil for Pediatric Anxiety and Insomnia as Part of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Report
- The endocannabinoid system provides an avenue for evidence-based treatment development for PTSD