Expert cannabis botanist and geneticist Ryan Lee talks to Project CBD about breeding cannabis, THC and CBD content, and how to interpret lab data.
Author Archives: noel
Spirit Molecules
Humans love finding ways to alter their consciousness. Why do these plants produce intoxicating compounds?
CBD & Booze: Bingeing on Research
What’s the right dose of CBD when you take it orally? It’s a simple question with a muddled answer.
Tough Times After High Hopes for Hemp Harvest
It’s been a year since Congress legalized growing hemp. How’s it going?
Hit & Run: Impaired Science
A flawed study by Harvard scientists claims that marijuana impairs driving even when users aren’t high.
Cannabis & Binge Drinking
What impact does cannabis legalization have on the use of other substances by college students?
Cannabinoids for Cannabis Use Disorder?
Scientists often interpret research to suit funding goals. Why is that problematic?
Desperately Seeking Harm: Diagnosing the FDA’s CBD Problem
The FDA has got a bad case of CBD – as in Chronic Bureaucratic Dysfunction and the symptoms are getting worse.
Endocannabinology with Dr. Rachel Knox
Project CBD speaks with Dr. Rachel Knox about “endocannabinology,” THC/CBD synergies, and whole food nutrition.
Cannabis in Palliative Care
Dying with dignity is a human right, and cannabis may help.