The elderly are the fastest growing population of cannabis users. But how do hospice workers feel about their patients using cannabis?

A recent survey by pharmacists at the University of Maryland asked palliative care practitioners about their opinions on cannabis use among hospice patients. Over 90% of workers support the use of cannabis, but most physicians did not recommend cannabis to their patients. This may be due to a lack of knowledge about safe use of cannabis — over 80% of respondents wanted standardized protocols on the use of cannabis in palliative care. As well, many hospices receive federal funding, so workers were worried about breaking federal law, even while complying with state laws. Fewer than one in five hospices had a formal policy about medical cannabis. Workers reported that cannabis was useful in reducing pain, anxiety and nausea. But physicians would rarely bring up cannabis to their patients.

Read study: A Survey of Hospice Professionals Regarding Medical Cannabis Practices

Adrian Devitt-Lee is a research scientist and longtime Project CBD contributor. © Copyright, Project CBD. May not be reprinted without permission.

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