From the Project CBD Archives:

From the Project CBD Patient Survey:

See the full survey here.

1,521 survey respondents reported taking CBD for sleep problems
69% Female | 29% Male | 2% Prefer not to say

Survey participants were slightly more likely to report having problems staying asleep rather than falling sleep, though most people reported having difficulty with both.

Other health issues were common among those using CBD for sleep, in particular, pain (73%), mood issues (63%), hormonal conditions (20%), PTSD (18%), and gastrointestinal disease (15%).

People taking CBD for sleep were slightly more likely than average to use CBD with or from cannabis (rather than CBD from hemp alone), meaning they were more likely to be using some THC with their CBD.

Sleep Issues:

Survey participants were asked to estimate how many minutes it took them to get to sleep with and without CBD, and how often they woke in the night with and without CBD.

Participants reported that CBD helped get to sleep more quickly, reducing the average time from about an hour to 20 minutes. Perhaps more importantly, participants reported waking up less often when using CBD for sleep (about a third as many times).

# Minutes to Get to Sleep:

# Times One Wakes in the Night:

A majority of participants reported improvements in how they felt upon waking. Almost three-quarters of participants reported waking up tired without CBD; 9% reported waking up tired with CBD.

The significant improvements in how participants reported feeling upon waking when using CBD was likely connected to the decrease in the number of times they woke during the night.

Feelings Upon Wakening:

Scientific Research on CBD & Cannabis for Sleep: