From the Project CBD Archives:
No Brainer: CBD & THC for Head Injuries
Athletes are well-versed in the benefits of CBD-rich cannabis for brain injuries. Does the research support them?
CBD & THC for Traumatic Brain Injury
Excerpted from “The Essential Guide to CBD” by the Editors of Reader’s Digest and Project CBD.
Concussions & Alcoholism
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leads to numerous problems, including alcoholism and suicide.
Cannabis for Contact Sports
How one elite athlete stays on top of her game with CBD and medical cannabis.
From the Project CBD Patient Survey:
See the full survey here.
128 survey respondents reported taking CBD for brain injuries
58% Female | 41% Male | 1% Prefer not to say
The most common type of brain injury among participants was a TBI or Traumatic Brain Injury. Participants taking CBD for brain injuries often reported that they were also taking CBD for pain (68%), mood issues (55%), sleep problems (46%), and PTSD (33%).
People with a brain injury were twice as likely to report using CBD for addiction as the average participant. Participants with brain injuries were also more likely to be taking CBD from or with cannabis rather than hemp-derived CBD alone (53% versus 40%), meaning they were more likely to be taking some THC with their CBD.
Types of Brain Injuries:

Changes in Symptoms:
Participants were asked to rate how CBD impacted seven common symptoms of brain injuries (see chart below), indicating whether the symptom was a “much better,” “little better,” “no change,” a “little worse,” or “lot worse.” For participants with brain injuries, CBD appeared most helpful for relieving headaches, irritability, and agitation. CBD was less helpful at relieving issues with balance or coordination. In a small percentage of participants, participants reported that issues with memory, concentration, and self-expression worsened though it is unknown if this was the result of CBD or THC.