Researchers have recently shown that, among homosexual men, cannabis users are safer about sex and have dramatically lower rates of STIs.

Much funding has been devoted to studying drug use and risky sexual practices. While this is a serious issue that should be addressed, such research has been misused to stigmatize marginalized groups. It is used to justify greater enforcement of racist drug laws in communities of color by insinuating that poor black women are misusing their autonomy, and hence need to be forced into rehabilitation programs for their own good. But even the premise may be wrong among cannabis users. Researchers in Los Angeles have recently shown that, among homosexual men, cannabis users are safer about sex and have dramatically lower rates of STIs compared with people not using illicit drugs or using other illegal drugs.

Read study: Associations Between Cannabis Use, Sexual Behavior, and Sexually Transmitted Infections/Human Immunodeficiency Virus in a Cohort of Young Men Who Have Sex With Men

Adrian Devitt-Lee is a research scientist and longtime Project CBD contributor. © Copyright, Project CBD. May not be reprinted without permission.

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