California lab tests expose massive fraud, illegal products & the cannabis equivalent of ultra-processed junk food
Tag: Health
Dr. Andrew Weil on Cannabis and Integrative Medicine
An Interview by Naoko Miki of Green Zone Japan, a Project CBD affiliate, which was screened at CannaCon 2023 in Tokyo.
From MMJ to Special K
Federal cannabis patient uses ketamine to escape from the Land of Pain.
Three Delicious Raw Cannabis Smoothie Recipes
THCA, CBDA, and other raw cannabis components offer a robust cornucopia of health benefits.
Gut Feeling
Cannabis provides symptom relief and improves the quality of life in patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Beta-Caryophyllene: Terpene Powerhouse
A compound in black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and many cannabis varietals acts on several targets that impact the endocannabinoid system.
Getting to Know CBG with Bonni Goldstein, MD
A pioneer cannabis clinician shares her experience with CBG as a treatment for anxiety, autism, cancer, and more.
Cancer & the CB2 Receptor
A compound in cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and other leafy greens exerts anti-cancer effects through the endocannabinoid system.
Delta-8, Delta-10, HHC, THCO… A Pandora’s Box of Unregulated Cannabinoids
Cannabis industry trade group declares nationwide sale of hemp-derived intoxicants a “public health disaster.”
CBG! A Compound With Intriguing Medical Potential
What do we really know about “the mother of all cannabinoids”?