A recent publication described aspects of the interaction between CBD and clobazam but they’re a little late to the game.
Tag: Health
Cannabis Therapy for Seizures in Animals
Cannabis and CBD medicine for animals has been getting a lot of attention. One promising potential use is the treatment of seizures.
CBD for the Morning Commute
CBD has shown some promise in anxiety and panic disorders. A group of London researchers followed up on these results.
CBD Does Not Go Better with Coke
Coca-Cola is eyeing CBD as a functional food additive, while the beverage giant promotes sugary drinks for overweight children.
Cannabis: Not the Only Cause of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome
Confused about cannabis addiction and withdrawal? So are the experts.
Chemicals in Nutmeg Boost Anandamide
Thanks to myristicin and other mescaline-like molecules, nutmeg is hallucinogenic in large doses.
Using Cannabis to Treat Cancer
Medical science pioneer Manuel Guzman on prospects for an approved cannabis anticancer drug.
Cannabinoids for Scleroderma
Clinical trials are underway to treat a rare autoimmune disease by targeting the endocannabinoid system.
Two Hits for Schizophrenia
After over a century of failing to find a causal link between cannabis use and schizophrenia, proponents of Reefer Madness have had to couch their warnings.
The Endocannabinoid System & the Runner’s High
Evidence is accumulating that the endocannabinoid system contributes significantly to the so-called “runner’s high.”