The study also provides support for using CBD as a first-line treatment for epilepsy, rather than a last resort.
Tag: Neurological
What is CBD?
Learn what CBD is and what it isn’t, the difference between CBD from cannabis and hemp, and more.
TRPV1 Protects Neurons in Multiple Sclerosis
The heat you feel when you bite into a spicy pepper? It comes from activation of TRPV1 receptors.
Low Dose THC Can Improve Cognition
THC and other cannabinoids are known to induce neurogenesis in the brain.
CBD & Autism
Dr. Mechoulam and others look at the “real life experiences of medical cannabis treatment in autism.”
Concussions & Alcoholism
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) leads to numerous problems, including alcoholism and suicide.
CBD, the Entourage Effect & the Microbiome
Project CBD discusses the benefits of CBD, the “entourage effect” and the microbiome with Dr. Ethan Russo.
Cannabidiol & Epilepsy Meta-Analysis
How do CBD-rich cannabis oil extracts compare with CBD isolates?
Project CBD Releases Primer on Cannabinoid-Drug Interactions
Physicians and patients need to understand how cannabis interacts with common pharmaceuticals.
Should You Use Cannabis to Prevent Illness?
Preventive medicine is a hot topic these days as everyone is looking for ways to stay healthy and avoid illness.