Scientists link weed smoking to greater empathy, agreeableness, and moral fairness.
Tag: Safety
Posted inSafety
‘Kush’ Scare Hits West Africa
But what is this new street drug, and how dangerous is it?
Posted inSafety
Cannabis Use During the Pandemic
New data reveals shifting cannabis consumption patterns during the pandemic.
Posted inSafety
How Does Cannabis Impact Alcohol Consumption?
Scientists are studying the role the endocannabinoid system plays in alcohol addiction and related mood disorders.
Posted inSafety
Alcohol & the Endocannabinoid System
Alcohol exposure alters endocannabinoid levels in different brain regions. What are the health implications?
Posted inPolicy
The FDA Defers to Pharma, Nixes CBD as Dietary Supplement
ValidCare seeks volunteers for the final phase of expanded clinical study of CBD’s effect on the liver.
Posted inSafety
Cannabis & Schizophrenia: A Conspiracy of Causality
A neuroscientist challenges the central fallacy of Reefer Madness.
Posted inSafety
The Vaping Crisis: One Year Later
Scientists identify synthetic cannabinoid adulterants in CBD vape oil cartridges, warn of “devastating toxicological consequences.”