There is no scientifically supported threshold of ∆9-THC bodily content that would be indicative of impaired driving.
Tag: Safety
Cannabis Is Not Toxic in Pregnancy
To what extent is research on cannabis in pregnancy complicated by tobacco?
Why Pregnant Women May Justifiably Choose to Use Cannabis
“What about the children?” is a mantra that has been used to propel prohibition with misplaced fear.
Cannabinoids in Pregnancy
A new study examined the interaction between cannabinoids and alcohol on the fetus.
Negative Synergy in Pregnancy
Cannabinoids consistently amplify the toxic effects of nicotine and alcohol on the fetus.
Cannabis Mitigates Alcohol Toxicity
Drinking was associated with increases in interleukin 6, but the association was ameliorated in cannabis users.
Patenting CB1 Inhibitors
Blocking the CB1 receptor may be useful for conditions like metabolic syndrome, but can have severe side effects.
Lower Rates of Cannabis Use after Legalization
Fearful conclusions about cannabis needs to be put in context, not aggrandized.
The Gateway to Opiates
If there’s a gateway, it appears to be early opioid prescriptions, not cannabis.
CB1, Gene Expression & Obesity
A new study describes how CB1 inhibition by Rimonabant leads to changes in gene regulation.