CBD and LSD bind to the same serotonin receptor, which mediates psychedelic altered states.
Tag: CBD
CBD Drug Interactions: What You Need to Know
Drug interactions can be useful and dangerous. Learn how CBD and THC may effect pain meds, statins, blood thinners, insulin and more.
CBD for Fibromyalgia & Opioid Withdrawal
A patient testimonial from a 72-year-old weaning herself off opioids with the help of CBD-rich cannabis.
CBD & Parkinson’s Disease
The ECS and digestive imbalance play major roles in Parkinson’s disease. Cannabis medicine may help.
Is CBD Really Non-Psychoactive?
Data shows that CBD interacts directly with the CB1 receptor and modulates THC’s psychoactivity.
The Cannabis Connection Show Featuring Project CBD
The future of the cannabis scene and how CBD can change the course cannabis policy.
Ganjapreneur Interview with Martin A. Lee
Project CBD Director Martin A Lee chats with Ganjapreneur podcast host Shango Los.
The Endocannabinoid System
CBD offers hope for a non-toxic therapy to treat aggressive cancer without the painful side effects of chemotherapy.
CBD-Rich Strains
Two broad categories of CBD-rich strains have emerged since the rediscovery of CBD.
Is “Pure” CBD Better?
A groundbreaking study has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD extract.