Could CBD be a gateway to THC? And would that be such a bad thing?
Tag: Health
Posted inPsychedelics
Meet the Medicinal Mushrooms
Excerpted from “The Rebel’s Apothecary: A Practical Guide to the Healing Magic of Cannabis, CBD, and Mushrooms” by Jenny Sansouci.
Posted inScience
Cannabis & COVID-19: Breaking News or Bogus Science?
A molecular biologist deconstructs sensationalist claims that cannabis can prevent or treat the coronavirus.
Posted inScience
A Cannabinoid Antagonist for Dying COVID Patients?
A zany proposal from French scientists.
Posted inSafety
Endocannabinoids & Endocrine Disruptors
Do chemical pollutants wreak havoc by impairing the endocannabinoid system?
Posted inHealth
Luther Burbank, Cannabis & Me
The life and times of a CBD-rich garden in Northern California.
Posted inHealth
The Many Gifts of Cultivating Cannabis
Cultivating a CBD-rich cannabis garden is a form of “nature therapy.”